So we traveled by bus with a few hundred Washington Capitals fans to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to take on the Penguins. I've never been to Pittsburgh and this was definitely the coolest event to go to I can imagine. The weather was rainey, and unseasonably warm for New Year's eve so I was apprehensive, not to be confused with ungrateful for the coolest Christmas gift ever, about if the game could be played! We had New Year's Eve dinner at the Grand Concourse, which is a beautiful restaurant, with mediocre food and service, but we could walk to it and it is gorgeous so no complaints. The news came that the game would be delayed, to 8pm, so we had a free Saturday, and the game was still on. Upon recommendation of a coworker we did a classic Pittsburgh first date activity, travelling up Mt. Washington on the "incline" which is like funicular... And if was free because all public transit was free that day! Reminded us this was THEY way Pittsburgh-ers traveled to the river to get to downtown for years. Only a few remain but, hopefully for a long-long time, and the best way to get a view that 100 years ago would have been the smoke of steel mills and no trees. Some industry may have left but the view is much better. one problem with the free transit, it was New Year's day so all of the Carnegie museums were closed, nowhere to go! Maybe I'll return to see the Andy Warhol Museum some other trip. Now getting to the game was cool too, we tool one of the ferrys across a very foggy Monongahela River (and the Ohio) under the Yellow-painted steel bridges to Heinz Field where the Steelers normally play. The excitement built, bands, ice-sculptures or zambonis..., giant hockey players, face-paininting (no line for the Caps!) everyone dressed for their team. The Pittsburgh fans were surprisingly friendly, and a horde of Caps fans made the trip. Fireworks, more bands, then the puck dropped! Great game even with some drizzle occasionally. A good fight and 3 caps goals! C-A-P-S CAPS CAPS CAPS!
Bahama Ma-Ma-Momentum
13 years ago